General Eye Care

Routine & Comprehensive Examinations

Our eye doctors recommend adults have a comprehensive eye exam every one to three years, depending on your age, risk factors, and physical condition.

It is not common to schedule a routine eye exam when your eyes feel fine. What many people do not realize is that many degenerative eye diseases cannot be felt. Glaucoma for example is painless and is often referred to as the sneak thief of sight. Routine eye examinations are important even if our eyes and vision are fine. Let’s learn from the past and history of eye disease and encourage regular eye exams. Preventative eye care can save vision.

Diabetic Eye Disease is the Leading Cause of Blindness

It is no secret that diabetes is a serious disease that impacts various parts of the body, including the eyes. The most common cause of blindness in the United States is diabetic eye disease. In the early stages, when it is most easily treated, diabetic eye disease has no symptoms. The only way for a diabetic to know if he or she has diabetic eye disease is to get routine eye examinations. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends yearly eye exams for diabetics. If diabetic eye disease is found, more frequent examinations may be recommended. Good glucose control decreases the risk of diabetic eye disease, diabetic retinopathy and its progression. Diabetic retinopathy is a disease that a eventually leads to blurriness, distorted vision and eventually loss of vision. Diagnosis is important, as the disease is treatable, and early diagnosis may improve the vision outcome. If you are diabetic, our eye doctors will be happy to schedule an appointment to evaluate an impact of diabetes on your vision.

Glaucoma is the Sneak Thief of SIGHT

Comprehensive Eye Exams Washington DC - Routine Eye Exam DCDo you have a family history of glaucoma? If so please schedule an eye exam. Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness. Glaucoma is called the sneak thief of sight because it has no symptoms at all until the disease is very advanced. Once vision is lost through Glaucoma, it can never be regained. The only way to know if you have glaucoma is to have a comprehensive eye examination on a regular basis. Learn more about glaucoma and glaucoma treatment options offered by the glaucoma specialists at Washington Eye Physicians and Surgeons.

Are you over 50 years old?

Macular degeneration is the most common cause of blindness in this age category. In the early stages of macular degeneration, treatments can be used to manage and slow the progression of the disease. Patients typically have no symptoms at all in the early stages so coming in for an eye exam is the last thing on their mind. With busy schedules and the pressures of the modern working environment it’s probably the last thing you would think about. The only way to know if you have early macular degeneration is to have routine eye examinations even if your eyes seem healthy.

Preparing For Your Eye Exam

Being prepared for your eye exam will make the entire experience more pleasant. The first step is to make an appointment with your eye doctor, which you can do by calling us at 301-657-5700 or requesting an appointment online. Have your name, phone number, address and insurance information available. Complete the new patient registration ahead of time or any of our other forms that may help with your vision exam.


When you arrive at your eye exam please have a list of any prescription or non-prescription medications you are currently taking or any that you have taken on a regular basis in the past. Please include any vitamins, herbs, and other non-traditional remedies you may use. Additionally, you may also include the dosages you take for each medicine or other substance, and how long you have been taking them.


If you are a contact lens wearer, please bring a pair of glasses. Depending on the type of eye exam you need to have, your doctor may dilate your eyes, so please bring sunglasses to wear for the ride home.

General Eye Care News

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