
Ptosis or Droopy Eyelids

As we age, the eyelid can droop or become lower which may lead to a decrease in vision. There are many conditions that may lead to drooping eyelids or ptosis, which our oculoplastic surgeons will evaluate for during your consultation.

Most commonly, the muscle that elevates the eyelid weakens or detaches from the point of insertion leading toblepharoptosis, or droopy upper lid, but not always. Sometimes there are more serious medical conditions that can lead to droopy upper lids. These conditions need to be ruled out by a qualified oculoplastic surgeon before undergoing any eyelid surgery. Although less common, children may also have drooping eyelids. To prevent long-term vision loss, early intervention may be necessary.

There are several factors that determine the best method to elevate and fix droopy eyelids. Incisions can be made in your natural lid crease to minimize risks of scarring. The upper eyelid can also be lifted with a completely hidden incision on the inside of your upper eyelid. Restoring the normal position of the eyelid may increase your field of vision and produce a more youthful, refreshed appearance. Ptosis surgery is an outpatient procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia at Washington Eye Physicians & Surgeons or under light sedation at our outpatient surgery center.

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